<< Work, Life, Trump, $$$ >> 01.02.25, 3:25
Hello Diary, It's been a while since I last written in here lets see: I got divorced in Sept. still processing it was kinda down for a while and now starting to see the sunlight again and wanting to venture out. I work at a big IT company in clinical research right now I'm not sure with my standing at the moment I'm a temp which has been a minute and my manager is passive aggressive instead of a direct speaker this isn't going to last I'm not big in this kinda manager / worker style. It's hard because this is a remote job so I can't really read her all i know is she doesn't really like me for reasons other than my work. My temp agency probably think I have an attitude and such and it looks like this is thier first contract they have gained from this company so they are hard on me about doing little mistakes......i miss my old job, coworkers & boss :(. Right now, onto other hustles I have a resale business with my purses I purchase from thrifty. I love it but it has been on a bit of a pause I'm going to start working on it again to at least sell them all but the end of this year. I'm still working on my herbalism certificate after lesson 8 I will be 1/2 way through which I'm really excited about. And in July I will be going to massage therapy school a bit nervous and excited for this one as well. This wake up call from my job yesterday gave me a wake up call that I need to not only relax but start to get my side hustles in order so I don't have to rely on these corporate jobs. Today is Feburary and I'm going to make so more changes to myself I'm making money to throw into my car I got a tax refund coming so I'm hoping this will make my car paid off. After paying off my car, school , then insurance for the rest of the year. If I can accomplish those things I will just work to have more income for my side husltes until they get back on thier feet. Trump now is president for the second time and honestly I want to go back to Africa (although its no better over there either) . It's clear that Amercians are not interested in outsiders and it's coming from a president that is just as 1st generation as I am. I really want to go visit Africa I wanted to do this after my divorce just go to the coast & soak but I really have other things I need to do before then before I consider this. All I know is this I'm never trapped and as long as I work & grab my inner strength God gave me anything is possible. Oh I'm also doing a voice over class. Went this week and it was really fun she started getting people to come up front of course i'm the only black in the class but I gotta start getting used to that again. I'm nervous because it has been a while since I have gotten infront of people and performed. We shall see this weekend on how it will go.As for my PCOS journey, it seems to be good I have lost a of weight and I"m getting closer to my BMI I have 8 more pounds to go .....gosh I wanna starve myself just to get to that number but that's not healthy to do so imma just to the intermittent fasting and 10k/day. Today we are supposed to do a public transportation day head to the library so I can work on my herbalism, budget (& see when I can start investing) & really have fun today since dryanuary is done! We are going to do karaoke and I will get up and sing because I need to start getting comfortable being infront of people & crowds again. It's really hard to move back to my parents area in the united states white people here are really pretenious and rude did't realize that till I came back. Looks like my family is also coming from Africa to visit.....maybe after Trump not so sure anymore about anyting all I know it's every man for himself.
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